
Welcome to curiablog, if you have managed to find it despite me not yet promoting it.

This blog will be a specialist blog on polls and polling, with a mainly New Zealand focus.

I hope it will provide the following information:

  1. A record of all public polls published within New Zealand, and links to the original data or at least media reports based on that data.
  2. A guide to useful information on polls and polling including FAQS on issues such as exit polls, why polls disagree etc etc. I will generally link the best overseas content where appropriate.
  3. Links to significant overseas polls.
  4. Links to and commentary on blog posts on polling from some of the international specialist blog sites.

Over time, it may develop into a useful discussion forum for staff, directors and customers of New Zealand polling companies.

It is not intended to be a partisan debating forum, despite the fact I am politically active. There are many other blogs for that.

I hope this blog will develop into a useful addition to the blogosphere.

3 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Hmm, might be good if you specifically said next to ‘poll method’ whether poll respondents were ‘self selecting’ or ‘random’? I’m sure you’re aware of the ‘legitimacy’ of a poll if the participants were self-selecting.

  2. Yeah. I don’t actually regard a poll as a poll unless it is random, but sometimes I will report one that is not so will be explicit to remove doubt.

  3. A request- would you mind either using darker colours for parties like the Greens, United Future, and Act, or giving them a background colour with some contrast to make them easier to read? Bright yellow on white really hurts the eye. 🙂 Generally when you’re using a white background, it’s good for accessibility to use darker colours. If the image is designed with a transparent background to work on sites with darker colour schemes, I’d suggest popping out a version with light text colours and a version with dark text colours.

    I’d go with something like this:
    Greens: #008000
    United: #800080
    Act: #C0C000

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